Immigration Exploration

Welcome our Immigration Exploration site!
Students in fourth grade spent some time exploring how the movement of people effects culture as part of their PYP Unit, How We Express Ourselves.  This exploration included several concepts, including:
  • understanding why people move to a new place (push/pull factors)
  • different ways culture is expressed
  • how immigration impacts local culture

While lessons during the unit were connected to the state in which we live, students applied their learning of the above concepts to countries that have impacted the United States.  This website is a culmination of their learning, showcasing the summative assessment project they completed.

This technology project was done using iMovie.  Students worked in groups of two or three in our Macintosh computer lab.  Images were found using Google Images.  Additional slides were created using Pixie, with title slides and credits created in iMovie.

Students not only learned about the Social Studies concepts, they also incorporated geography skills explored in a previous unit.  Additionally, all Language Arts experiences were also connected to the unit, with a focus on historical fiction and journal writing.

As you watch, please keep in mind that these are fourth grade students, and this project required quite a bit of independence, while relying on the members of the group.  With that in mind, you may notice a few typos and spelling errors here and there.  We hope you don't let that interfere with the overall quality of their amazing projects!

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